Lumbair Plus - Designed for those who want only low back support, this unit provides a gentle foam cushion that can be adjusted using the aspirator bulb.
Ideal for small office chairs, bucket seats, or where portability is required. The inflatable lumbar cushion is the perfect way to help relieve the discomfort and pain of prolonged sitting.
Take it with you to the office, in the car, even on your next flight. You can also use the inflatable cushion to gently exercise your lumbar spine and muscles.
Gently flexing the lumbar-spine region can help to:
- Improve disc mechanics
- Decrease muscle fatigue and stiffness
- Increase blood circulation to facilitate healing
- -Improve your comfort wherever you sit!
Inflatable Lumbar Cushion is ideal for improving the comfort and support of office chairs, car seats, and airplane seats.
Use an inflatable cushion while lying down to gently stretch your lumbar spine and give lumbar support.
Note: Consult with your medical professional, before purchase, if you have questions if this item is appropriate for your condition.